Steampunk Carnival

Steam World Book 1

Crossing her boss will be one dangerous ride.

Katya Romanova gave up everything to guide guests at the one-of-a-kind Steampunk Carnival, where she dazzles in all the freedom and attention she could want. Behind the summer crowds of 1887, death threats enrage owner William Warden and drag Katya into danger with him, terrified anyone next to them could end their lives at any moment. Trusting him to protect them, Katya digs up proof he’s not who he claims to be, driving her to match wits and will against Mr. Warden to replace him with the person who deserves that honor the most.

As Mr. Warden tightens his grip around everyone and everything, Katya struggles to escape his charm and his tyranny. If she fails to expose his lies before he silences her truth, Katya never sees the carnival she loves again, and the man who already lost so much throws away his only chance at redemption.

Will Katya bring joy and justice back to the groundbreaking carnival, or will Mr. Warden erase her from the pages of steampunk history?