fantasy ⁕ contemporary fantasy ⁕ magical realism

A Short Story
Humans let their hearts break way too easily.
Farsiris profits from far-off pain in the shadowy business of selling wounded hearts. Customers and rivals revere her as the best specter in her trade, and she aims to keep it that way. Humans carelessly give their love to the wrong people, and Farsiris has no problem making a lavish living off their most vulnerable moments, snug in her father’s footsteps.
But desert sands shift from day to day, and dark revelations about Farsiris’ birth shatter the world she thought she knew. Burning to prove they’re not true, Farsiris sets out to find her father, even if it means trusting the cruelest creature she can call on. Straining the only friendships she has to the breaking point, Farsiris gambles everything on the one specter poised to betray her. She never thought she had this much in common with the last beings she ever wanted to be like.